Hey @everyone - staking is live.
04 Feb 2022, 22:52
Hey @everyone - staking is live! 🥩
If you have liquid T you can stake it directly on <https://dashboard.threshold.network/>. You can now upgrade your liquid <:nucypher:466325309231333386> and <:keep:728302727201030215> tokens to T <:purplethreshold:907191918516129842> from there as well.
If you have an existing NU legacy stake, you can now withdraw it (and then upgrade the liquid tokens to T and stake). If you are subject to a vesting agreement, your unvested stake will not be immediately withdrawable but you can still stake it in Threshold! Both of these options are available from the NU dashboard: <https://stake.nucypher.network/manage>
* Withdraw available NU stake: <https://stake.nucypher.network/manage/withdraw>
* Stake unvested NU on Threshold: <https://stake.nucypher.network/manage/stake>
Staking T or migrating your legacy stake will allow you to participate in Threshold governance and to start earning inflation rewards later this month by running a PRE node once nucypher version 6.0 is released (additional node set up steps will be shared at that time, so stay tuned).
To be clear, there is no need to immediately complete the staking steps until that time. Rewards won’t start accruing until then, so there is no penalty for waiting, if you prefer. If you’d like to preview the requirements of running a node, you can do so here: <https://interim-pre-application-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>
Step-by-step video walkthroughs are currently in progress. 🚀